DIY delicious ginger beer at home! 🍺

The Stir Down with Steve the Bartender - Issue 014

Thanks for those that were able to join me at my book launch on Thursday! I selected a few cocktails from the book to be available on the night; the Gold Rush, Earl Grey MarTEAni and the Pina Verde! Around 80 people came through the doors and the drinks were flowing.. 🎉

It's absolutely incredible to see cocktails that people are already making from the book, on Instagram and in the STB Cocktail Crew (Facebook group). The feedback has been overwhelming and I'm so glad that people are enjoying the recipes, layout and the linked videos from the book.

Our lounge room has now been converted into a pick and pack station to ship out local and international orders with Teddy and Noah being put to work! 😂


Unfortunately no new uploads on my part so I'm sharing more videos from friends! 😋


Thinking of making mules or a Dark 'n' Stormy this coming weekend? Make your own ginger beer! It's surprisingly simple to do and you can always adjust the sugar and spice in subsequent batches... But, first thing you will need to do is go to the local brew shop and pick up a packet of champagne yeast and a few swing top bottles (500 ml / 16.5 oz) for this project!

INGREDIENTS (scale if required):

  • 30 ml / 1 oz ginger juice

  • 60 ml / 2 oz lemon juice, fresh & fine strained

  • 60 ml / 2 oz simple syrup

  • 330 ml / 11 oz water, slightly warm


  1. Combine all the ingredients

  2. Transfer to a sterilised bottle

  3. Add a pinch of champagne yeast (roughly 25 granules) per bottle

  4. Shake well and store in a warm, dark place

  5. Move bottle(s) to the fridge after 48 hours to stop the fermentation

  6. Once chilled, make yourself a Dark 'n' Stormy!

💥 WARNING - don't let the ginger beer ferment longer than 48 hours or you you risk the bottle exploding in your cupboard!

Made it this far? Tell me about your favourite bar in the comments below!


Steve the Bartender

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